BBMFI is a global network of Pentecostal ministers dedicated to realigning the church back to biblical blueprints in doctrines and ministerial practices, in preparation for Jesus' return, who is the Bridegroom.

BBMFI was birthed in an unusual way. In March of 2020, during the heat of the coronavirus pandemic that gripped the majority of the world. The Holy Spirit prompted the heart of Samuel Obadare, the Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church, Maryland USA, to commence a Ministers’ Intercessory Prayer Group across the globe. The mission was to stand against the ploy of some powerful bad actors using the pandemic as a pretext to carry out destructive and devastating activities on the world.

The Holy Spirit bore witness to the same mission in the heart of five other ministers of the Gospel, from different denominations and from different nations in the globe.

The group was composed of six ministers; two from each representative nation; United States of America, Ghana and Nigeria. This fulfills the scriptures in Mark 6:7

“And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits”

The burden to stand in the gap as Christ’s watchmen was the binding force that galvanized these six servants of God. As led by the Lord, they immediately commenced intercessory prayers via a phone conference application that lasts for a minimum of seventy five minutes every day.


The first thirty days ended and they were prompted by the Holy Spirit to continue in prayers. By the end of the 50days of daily prayers, the Lord revealed to them the need for His Church to be restored to biblical truths of sound doctrines, sound ministerial and spiritual practices as against secularism and deceit, which is gaining pre-eminence in the global Church of Jesus Christ.


This Word of the Lord was received and coined into “Biblical BluePrints Ministers Forum International” (BBMFI).Therefore, BBMFI is Christ Ministers’ Forum with a mission to restore the church of Jesus Christ to Biblical Truth through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.


This new direction by the Holy Spirit necessitated further prayers for clarity on the activities required to accomplish the mission. As instructed by the Lord, the group continued in the daily prayers; intercession and supplication, and included daily exhortation, weekly workshop and conference. The daily meeting is called BBMFI Daily.

Edification (strengthening) of ministers

One of the key elements of BBMFI is edification (strengthening) of men of God spiritually, emotionally, ministerially and personally. As the scripture says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17). This collegial edification of ministers is achieved by daily regional teleconference meeting of ministers for about one hour fifteen minutes. The meeting comprises of the elements:

Renewing word of exhortation for ministers
Spirit-igniting prayer sessions for ministers
Intercessory prayer engagements on matters of nations, governments, and the body of Christ

Ministers of the Gospel are Christ’s Kingdom Officers, put in-Charge of Christ earthly ministries. They are His partners in the building of His Church, His Bride. 
However, ministers are like the fisher man's net, which having been used, must be amended i.e restored, fitted for reuse, made sound and complete (Matt 4:21). Ministers themselves need to be ministered to regularly.

Therefore, His ministers are assigned to equip His bride with tools against satanic activities, birthing God’s purposes on the earth and harvesting the lost souls in the world. The minister is a shepherd, a priest, a father, a counsellor, a coach, an entrepreneur and much more. His needs also are varied and could be diverse; his challenges could be as much as the sheep he leads, nevertheless, he is expected to feed the sheep.

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In realisation that ministers of the gospel need daily dose of invigoration, impartation and realignment, so that they can be effective in their work of the ministry. It fulfils the scriptures in Malachi 3:16 & Hebrew 3:13;

And those who feared the LORD spoke to one another”

“But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

BBMFI Daily features three main elements;

  1. Fervent, Spirit-directed prayers
  2. Edifying Biblical exhortations
  3. Intercessory prayers

The Biblical Exhortation is a continuous daily activity of BBMFI.

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Workshops and conferences on biblical doctrines and corrective, expository teachings are events organised by BBMFI. These events are a major part of BBMFI’s mission of exposing and realigning the body of Christ to the inerrant word and truths of the scripture. It is a biblical mandate and necessity not only to contend, but to contend earnestly for the authenticity and truth of the faith, delivered to us through the scriptures.

Jude, the half-brother of Christ, in his epistle to address and combat the doctrinal and moral apostasy that begun to infiltrate and assail the church not long after the church inceptions, writes in Jude 1:3,

“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”.

 These workshops and conferences are tools for clarifying, correcting and contending for the biblical doctrines and truth in the body of Christ.



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+1 240 486 9589
+1 240 486 9589